View Full Version : Archived Events
- Film screening - THE WITNESS
- Howard Lyman Speaks
- Chicago Potucks
- Meet Your Meat to be aired on TV!!!
- Event: Care.Now Benefit for Animal Rights (Toronto, Ontario)
- chicago diner represents
- Veg*n Health presentation Vancouver B.C. Canada
- Toronto: The Veggie Challenge
- EarthSave Chicago potluck 3.30.03
- Raw Food events on Vancouver Island, BC Canada, April18-30
- Earthsave Night at Chicago Diner-April
- African elephants to be shipped to Lincoln Park Zoo, IL
- Screening of THE WITNESS in Vancouver B.C.
- March of Dimes-Walk America
- Good Charlotte leafletting-Rochester, NY
- Thai Consulate Leafleting-Chicago
- Turn Off Tv Week April 21-27, 2003
- Earthsave Potluck Chicago-April
- Earthsave Night at Chicago Diner-May
- Farm Santuary Anti-Veal events-Chicago
- OohManNee Sanctuary Benefit Art Gala
- Glastonbury Festival, UK
- Chicago KFC Protest
- Vegan dinner and a movie (The Witness)
- Vegan Dinner and a Movie - May 28th
- Burnaby, BC - "The Witness" June 6
- Dennis Kucinich in IL
- Earthsave Chicago Potluck- June
- KFC Demo in Chicago
- The Rabbit talks - Chicago EarthSave July Potluck
- Video Tape Presentation of Kucinich speech-Illinois
- Dynamic Life and Health presentation in Chicago Wed. July 30th
- Health Presentations / Rabbit ramblings in Chicago
- KFC demo in Chicago
- See the COW van in Chicago on August 14!
- CALGARY Circus Protest
- Got Pus? Campaign debuts in Minneapolis
- Earthsave Chicago Potluck-August
- Dr. Neal Barnard to speak in Madison
- Chicago protest against HLS customer
- Farm Sanctuary's Walk For Farm Animals
- KFC Protest in Chicago!
- The Weakerthans in Chicago
- 5th Annual Worldfest (September 28, 2003, Van Nuys, CA)
- September Earthsave Potluck-Chicago
- We the Planet - Chicago: Julia-Butterfly Hill, Howard Lyman, Tracy Chapman
- World Farm Animals Day Outreach (Chicago)
- Anti-HLS Protest at British Consulate (Chicago)
- Candlelight Vigil at Horse Slaughterhouse (DeKalb, IL)
- Resolution Opposing US Patriot Act-Chicago!!!
- Planet in Focus Film Festival (Toronto: Sept 30 - Oct 5, 2003)
- Howard Lyman at the University of Calgary
- October Vegan Meetup
- Christmas presents for all
- Jeffrey Masson Book Release & Screening (Toronto)
- Madison AR benefit dinner (to Chicago vegans too!)
- Carol Adams in Madison on Nov 17
- Chicago Earthsave Potluck-October
- IL Kucinich Organizational Meeting
- toronto vegan party
- Fur Free Friday
- Toronto: rodeo protest
- Liberation Now! in Washington, DC Nov 7-9
- Toronto: Here's the Rest of Your Fur Coat
- Health talk Thursday, Nov 6th, Victoria B.C.
- listen up Chicagoans!
- Cow Van "Say no to turkeys" outing
- Chicago Vegetarian Society's Turkey-Free Thanksgiving
- November Events in Chicago
- Health talk Victoria B.C. Nov 17th
- December Vegan Meetup
- SHAC demo in Chicago
- Toronto: Benefit: Freedom for Animals / Kensington Market Stray Cat Rescue
- Nordstrom Anti-Fur Protest & Leafleting (Seattle)
- KFC Protest (Bellevue [Seattle])
- KFC Protest (Tacoma)
- Veggie Santa & His Elves - Seattle
- "Peace for Piggies" - Seattle
- KFC Protest (Spokane)
- KFC Protest & Banner Hang (West Seattle)
- Toronto: Anti-fur protest TOMORROW (Dec 28)
- Benaroya Anti-Fur Demo (Seattle)
- �It�s Mad to Eat Meat�Go Veg� Demo and Outreach (Seattle)
- KFC Protest (Seattle - Rainier)
- NARN Monthly Meeting @ Teapot with Guest Speaker Rachel Bjork
- "Effective Communication with Legislators" Workshop (Olympia)
- Chicago GE Talks (Chicago)
- Total Liberation (Erie, PA)
- FREE Media Access Workshop (Seattle)
- Home Demos of Chiron Employees (North Seattle)
- Animal Issues and Beyond Discussion Group (Seattle/Capital Hill)
- Doing the Write Thing for Animals - NARN Letter Writing Meeting (Seattle)
- KFC Protest in Miami | Saturday January 24
- Seeking Civility (Seattle)
- WORLD PREMIERE of Peaceable Kingdom
- NARN Table at Beloved Binge Concert (Seattle)
- Guerrilla Leafleting (Seattle)
- Oceans for Everyone (Seattle)
- Calgary Fur Protest on Valentine's Day
- Toronto: Fur Protest on Valentine's Day
- Patriot Act Forum-Chicago
- Doing the Write Thing for Animals (Seattle)
- Feral Care Fundraiser (Seattle)
- Meow Cat Rescue Silent Auction and Open House (Seattle/Kirkland)
- Spay Day - February 24 (Western WA/Snohomish, Island and Skagit counties)
- Tom Regan in Madison March 3
- Tom Regan April 4th (Dekalb, Illinois)
- Carol Adams - April 2nd (Chicago)
- Campaign Planning Workshop (Seattle)
- Incredible Feats of Stupidity (Seattle)
- March Vegan Meetup (Chicago)
- Artists for Animals @ Mr. Spots Chai House & the Teapot (Seattle)
- MEATOUT Sandwich Making Party (Seattle)
- MEATOUT Vegan Lunch Giveaway (Seattle)
- TONIGHT - Vegan Band - Beloved Binge Concert (Seattle)
- Dave Louthan Slaughters USDA Lies (Seattle)
- Vegfest 2004 (Seattle)
- Pre St. Patrick's Day Happy Hour (Chicago)
- Farm Animal Forum (Chicago)
- April 4th Happenings (Chicago)
- Veg-Head Night Out! (Seattle)
- Doing the Write Thing for Animals (Seattle)
- Rodeo Demo (Tacoma/Seattle)
- TONIGHT - Hillside Quickie Spring Hip Hop Classic (Seattle)
- TONIGHT - PAWS Presents Roger Fouts (Seattle)
- Tom Regan in Michigan March 31st
- C.A.R.E. Tour Presents (Seattle)
- All About Bats! (Kirkland/Seattle)
- Strategic Action Training (Seattle)
- Sue Coe in Madison, April 13
- Marla's Vegan Guide to Chicago release! (Chicago)
- MASS RALLY in Toronto for World Week for Animals in Labs
- World Week for Animals in Laboratories-Chicago
- Premier of the Genesis Awards on Animal Planet (Chicago)
- Vegan Dinner, Madison WI, April 24
- Leafleting Against March of Dimes Animal Testing (Seattle)
- NARN Benefit Concert (Seattle)
- Guerrilla Leafleting at Jane Goodall lecture (Seattle)
- World Week for Animals in Labs (Seattle)
- El Katif Shrine Circus Demo (Spokane)
- Leafleting against March of Dimes Animal Testing (Spokane)
- Natural Health Presentation, Vancouver B.C. May 6th
- VeggiePride (Paris)
- Pigs Peace Sanctuary Work Party (Seattle)
- Mother's Day Anti-Veal/Dairy Leafleting & Demo (Seattle)
- Leafleting @ the Port Townsend Film Festival (Seattle-ish)
- Outreach Training (Seattle)
- Tabling @ "Greenfunk" (Bothell/Seattle)
- Tabling @ U-District Street Fair
- KFC Protest (West Seattle)
- Weekday KFC Protest (Everett/Seattle)
- Leafleting @ "Super Size Me" Movie (Seattle)
- The Art of Resistance (Seattle)
- Vegetarian Hike (Issaquah/Seattle)
- HLS Demo (Salt Lake City)
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