View Full Version : Archived Events

  1. Film screening - THE WITNESS
  2. Howard Lyman Speaks
  3. Chicago Potucks
  4. Meet Your Meat to be aired on TV!!!
  5. Event: Care.Now Benefit for Animal Rights (Toronto, Ontario)
  6. chicago diner represents
  7. Veg*n Health presentation Vancouver B.C. Canada
  8. Toronto: The Veggie Challenge
  9. EarthSave Chicago potluck 3.30.03
  10. Raw Food events on Vancouver Island, BC Canada, April18-30
  11. Earthsave Night at Chicago Diner-April
  12. African elephants to be shipped to Lincoln Park Zoo, IL
  13. Screening of THE WITNESS in Vancouver B.C.
  14. March of Dimes-Walk America
  15. Good Charlotte leafletting-Rochester, NY
  16. Thai Consulate Leafleting-Chicago
  17. Turn Off Tv Week April 21-27, 2003
  18. Earthsave Potluck Chicago-April
  19. Earthsave Night at Chicago Diner-May
  20. Farm Santuary Anti-Veal events-Chicago
  21. OohManNee Sanctuary Benefit Art Gala
  22. Glastonbury Festival, UK
  23. Chicago KFC Protest
  24. Vegan dinner and a movie (The Witness)
  25. Vegan Dinner and a Movie - May 28th
  26. Burnaby, BC - "The Witness" June 6
  27. Dennis Kucinich in IL
  28. Earthsave Chicago Potluck- June
  29. KFC Demo in Chicago
  30. The Rabbit talks - Chicago EarthSave July Potluck
  31. Video Tape Presentation of Kucinich speech-Illinois
  32. Dynamic Life and Health presentation in Chicago Wed. July 30th
  33. Health Presentations / Rabbit ramblings in Chicago
  34. KFC demo in Chicago
  35. See the COW van in Chicago on August 14!
  36. CALGARY Circus Protest
  37. Got Pus? Campaign debuts in Minneapolis
  38. Earthsave Chicago Potluck-August
  39. Dr. Neal Barnard to speak in Madison
  40. Chicago protest against HLS customer
  41. Farm Sanctuary's Walk For Farm Animals
  42. KFC Protest in Chicago!
  43. The Weakerthans in Chicago
  44. 5th Annual Worldfest (September 28, 2003, Van Nuys, CA)
  45. September Earthsave Potluck-Chicago
  46. We the Planet - Chicago: Julia-Butterfly Hill, Howard Lyman, Tracy Chapman
  47. World Farm Animals Day Outreach (Chicago)
  48. Anti-HLS Protest at British Consulate (Chicago)
  49. Candlelight Vigil at Horse Slaughterhouse (DeKalb, IL)
  50. Resolution Opposing US Patriot Act-Chicago!!!
  51. Planet in Focus Film Festival (Toronto: Sept 30 - Oct 5, 2003)
  52. Howard Lyman at the University of Calgary
  53. October Vegan Meetup
  54. Christmas presents for all
  55. Jeffrey Masson Book Release & Screening (Toronto)
  56. Madison AR benefit dinner (to Chicago vegans too!)
  58. Carol Adams in Madison on Nov 17
  59. Chicago Earthsave Potluck-October
  60. IL Kucinich Organizational Meeting
  61. toronto vegan party
  62. Fur Free Friday
  63. Toronto: rodeo protest
  64. Liberation Now! in Washington, DC Nov 7-9
  65. Toronto: Here's the Rest of Your Fur Coat
  66. Health talk Thursday, Nov 6th, Victoria B.C.
  67. listen up Chicagoans!
  68. Cow Van "Say no to turkeys" outing
  69. Chicago Vegetarian Society's Turkey-Free Thanksgiving
  70. November Events in Chicago
  71. Health talk Victoria B.C. Nov 17th
  72. December Vegan Meetup
  73. SHAC demo in Chicago
  74. Toronto: Benefit: Freedom for Animals / Kensington Market Stray Cat Rescue
  75. Nordstrom Anti-Fur Protest & Leafleting (Seattle)
  76. KFC Protest (Bellevue [Seattle])
  77. KFC Protest (Tacoma)
  78. Veggie Santa & His Elves - Seattle
  79. "Peace for Piggies" - Seattle
  80. KFC Protest (Spokane)
  81. KFC Protest & Banner Hang (West Seattle)
  82. Toronto: Anti-fur protest TOMORROW (Dec 28)
  83. Benaroya Anti-Fur Demo (Seattle)
  84. �It�s Mad to Eat Meat�Go Veg� Demo and Outreach (Seattle)
  85. KFC Protest (Seattle - Rainier)
  86. NARN Monthly Meeting @ Teapot with Guest Speaker Rachel Bjork
  87. "Effective Communication with Legislators" Workshop (Olympia)
  88. Chicago GE Talks (Chicago)
  89. Total Liberation (Erie, PA)
  90. FREE Media Access Workshop (Seattle)
  91. Home Demos of Chiron Employees (North Seattle)
  92. Animal Issues and Beyond Discussion Group (Seattle/Capital Hill)
  93. Doing the Write Thing for Animals - NARN Letter Writing Meeting (Seattle)
  94. KFC Protest in Miami | Saturday January 24
  95. Seeking Civility (Seattle)
  96. WORLD PREMIERE of Peaceable Kingdom
  97. NARN Table at Beloved Binge Concert (Seattle)
  98. Guerrilla Leafleting (Seattle)
  99. Oceans for Everyone (Seattle)
  100. Calgary Fur Protest on Valentine's Day
  101. Toronto: Fur Protest on Valentine's Day
  102. Patriot Act Forum-Chicago
  103. Doing the Write Thing for Animals (Seattle)
  104. Feral Care Fundraiser (Seattle)
  105. Meow Cat Rescue Silent Auction and Open House (Seattle/Kirkland)
  106. Spay Day - February 24 (Western WA/Snohomish, Island and Skagit counties)
  107. Tom Regan in Madison March 3
  108. Tom Regan April 4th (Dekalb, Illinois)
  109. Carol Adams - April 2nd (Chicago)
  110. Campaign Planning Workshop (Seattle)
  111. Incredible Feats of Stupidity (Seattle)
  112. March Vegan Meetup (Chicago)
  113. Artists for Animals @ Mr. Spots Chai House & the Teapot (Seattle)
  114. MEATOUT Sandwich Making Party (Seattle)
  115. MEATOUT Vegan Lunch Giveaway (Seattle)
  116. TONIGHT - Vegan Band - Beloved Binge Concert (Seattle)
  117. Dave Louthan Slaughters USDA Lies (Seattle)
  118. Vegfest 2004 (Seattle)
  119. Pre St. Patrick's Day Happy Hour (Chicago)
  120. Farm Animal Forum (Chicago)
  121. April 4th Happenings (Chicago)
  122. Veg-Head Night Out! (Seattle)
  123. Doing the Write Thing for Animals (Seattle)
  124. Rodeo Demo (Tacoma/Seattle)
  125. TONIGHT - Hillside Quickie Spring Hip Hop Classic (Seattle)
  126. TONIGHT - PAWS Presents Roger Fouts (Seattle)
  127. Tom Regan in Michigan March 31st
  128. C.A.R.E. Tour Presents (Seattle)
  129. All About Bats! (Kirkland/Seattle)
  130. Strategic Action Training (Seattle)
  131. Sue Coe in Madison, April 13
  132. Marla's Vegan Guide to Chicago release! (Chicago)
  133. MASS RALLY in Toronto for World Week for Animals in Labs
  134. World Week for Animals in Laboratories-Chicago
  135. Premier of the Genesis Awards on Animal Planet (Chicago)
  136. Vegan Dinner, Madison WI, April 24
  137. Leafleting Against March of Dimes Animal Testing (Seattle)
  138. NARN Benefit Concert (Seattle)
  139. Guerrilla Leafleting at Jane Goodall lecture (Seattle)
  140. World Week for Animals in Labs (Seattle)
  141. El Katif Shrine Circus Demo (Spokane)
  142. Leafleting against March of Dimes Animal Testing (Spokane)
  143. Natural Health Presentation, Vancouver B.C. May 6th
  144. VeggiePride (Paris)
  145. Pigs Peace Sanctuary Work Party (Seattle)
  146. Mother's Day Anti-Veal/Dairy Leafleting & Demo (Seattle)
  147. Leafleting @ the Port Townsend Film Festival (Seattle-ish)
  148. Outreach Training (Seattle)
  149. Tabling @ "Greenfunk" (Bothell/Seattle)
  150. Tabling @ U-District Street Fair
  151. KFC Protest (West Seattle)
  152. Weekday KFC Protest (Everett/Seattle)
  153. Leafleting @ "Super Size Me" Movie (Seattle)
  154. The Art of Resistance (Seattle)
  155. Vegetarian Hike (Issaquah/Seattle)
  156. HLS Demo (Salt Lake City)